Person 1: "have you seen the legendary tv show how i met your mother"

Person 2: "yer its pretty awesome, lets suit up and go to the bar."
by sexybeastmimsmimsmimsmims August 11, 2009
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An amazing TV show about a guy named Ted searching for love, a girl named Robin who is trying to start her career, a couple named Lily and Marshal who want to start a family, and a guy named Barney who likes to bang stupid and careless hoes.
Person 1: Have you seen How I Met Your Mother!

Person 2: Yeah I hear it's legend-dary

Person 1: Okay let's watch it after we get back from Mcclarins

Person 2: This is a monumental event, make sure to suit up

Person 1: But um, I don't like suits their uncomfortable

Person 2: Never say that, it's almost like when you said you don't like lazer tag

Person 1: Wait I almost forgot the mom is ...
by oreoorea May 18, 2016
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Best freaking show ever created by anyone.
Ranks with Big Bang Theory, CSI, and Raising Hope
Person 1 - Did you see How I Met Your Mother last night?

Person 2 - How could I have not!!
by The girl in the woods May 2, 2011
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legen - wait for it - dary! the best tv show to ever exist. the best character barney nails a lot of chicks, marshall and lily are in a soppy relationship ted is trying to find true love and robin is kinda just there
how i met your mother is the best tv show to exist
by mcrbiggestfan December 21, 2020
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From Bob's Burgers: a burger that comes with salami
"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the When Harry Met Salami Burger, you should try it!"
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A show depicting what adulthood would be like if people never stopped being teenagers.

The day I see presumably well-to-do 20-somethings do a slap-bet, or consider anything to be "legen-wait for it... dary," or god forbid, someone actually follows a bro code past the age of 20, I will give up on humanity.
Wow, SAT prep class sucks! Lets drink that skunked keystone light you stole from your grandpas basement and watch "How I Met Your Mother" tonight! Bro Code Rule #9000 says you need to have flat chips for queso dip and regular salsa must be accompanied with scoops chips, under penalty of a slap bet, LEGENDARY!
by Robert Macgillicuddy November 26, 2011
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