A slur for someone born in Antarctica, referring to their love of fucking penguins
Damn Penguiners are stealing our jobs
by Sassyshooty September 9, 2022
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adj. something that is both awesome and completely off-subject. A brilliant way to replace "random" which has lost all meaning and descended into becoming a faux-pas to many people.
Person 1)"Pancakes are fun"
Person 2)"I love urbandictionary.com!"
Person 1)"That is so penguins."
by Zanda Panda August 28, 2008
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a member of the group of "birds" known as penguins. in reality they are an evil race of aliens who have been in hiding but will soon rise up and enslave or kill all humans.
Holy shit! That penguin just killed Dave! They're attacking!
by TheMute1 October 26, 2004
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Laughter that resembles that of the Penguin from Batman.
"Why is aids a miracle", says Nile River
"IDK dawg", says Oxiclean
"Because is turns fruits into vegetables", Nile River explains.
"Haaaan haaaan haaaan", Oxiclean replies in a Penguinish manner (aka doing the Penguin).
by Neil aka Nile September 14, 2005
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One of the cutest birds who can't fly. They live in the Southern Hemisphere.
My penguin could play soccer and was named jermaine.He could not fly.
by JaRoDu March 20, 2007
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Homie gee's that have their pants slung so ridiculously low that they have to walk like a penguin with a back and forth swaying motion.
Chris: (Pointing and laughing)
Homie gee: Yo, what you laughin' at bitch.
Chris: You.
Homie: What da hell fo'?
Chris: Since when do penguins talk?
Homie: What da hell ya talkin' 'bout?
Chris: I see intelligence is lost on you too.
Homie: What mf?
Chris: Witty comeback penguin......
Homie: What?
Chris: (Points and laughs even more)
Homie: (Waddles away in distress knowing he has just been put down, but still cannot figure out why)
by Chris Hitchcock January 26, 2008
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This is a condition that I conjured up for a condition that I did not know a name for.

The condition is when you work or exercise in an environment that causes you to sweat and said sweat proceedeth down your butt and into your nether-regions and causes an irritation while at first would perhaps be a mild case of "swap ass" gradually will lead to Peguinitis if left untreated.

It is called Penguinitis because of the manner that it causes you to walk once you have the rash/irritation between your legs.

you must walk like a Penguin or feel the pain.
man1: Whats wrong with you? You are walking funny.

man2: Nuttin' man I just got a bad case of Penguinitis.

man1: Damn son, early stage or late stage?

by Gotthemstacksholla June 4, 2014
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