To be completely taken advantage of unwillingly by something or someone, usually in a situation where you have no other choice.
I got completely ass raped by the cashier at airport parking.
by Eliza June 15, 2006
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An act which 5 out of 6 people participating enjoy.
Wow, sushi tonight was total gang rape.
by The Y-man September 25, 2009
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When a woman sticks her breast forcefully in someone’s mouth and the victim has to “milk” her.
milk raped.

Dean was strapped to the chair. He was blindfolded and naked, and couldn’t move. The abandoned warehouse was Dean’s new home. Somebody walked in, and stuck her boob in his mouth. His sounds were muffled and it only pleasured the woman more. He felt something penetrated his ass and thrust in and out, tearing it. He felt a cock enter his mouth and he was forced to suck it of. The man had cummed in his mouth and was forced to swallow. They all left the room, but little did Dean know, he was being used as a male hooker.
by Well, shit. February 3, 2018
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Stemming from the radiography profession. The term x-rape refers to the act of x-raying a person who is, in a state of unconsciousness, unable to consent or just generally unaware of being x-rayed.
It should be noted that even though the patient is unable to consent to the examination, typically a chest x-ray, it is always done in the best interest of the patient.
Last night I x-raped five patients and two of them were men.
by FeelmyUno May 4, 2010
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A Woman Forcing a Man to Have a Blow Job.
Man is usually homosexual or a pussy
Fred: What the matter Arnold?
Arnold: She... She Blow raped me
by Mr. Picklecopter January 7, 2009
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The act of using one's significant other's hand (while they're sleeping) to jack off.
by DCTx2008 October 27, 2008
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The remains after brutally owning someone, whether it be on a video game, i.e. Halo 2; or in real life. It tends to be found in a person's mouth, or around their genitals. The saying of this expression usually follows the phrases "Get Raped" or "Eat that shit bitch".
Noob: Ewww what is this stuff?
Dave: Rape sauce, sucka! And you just got smothered in it.

Kid 1: Aw man, i just stepped on a piece of gum.
Kid 2: Not only that, but you got rape sauce all over ur new sneakers! Sucks for u!
Kid 1: Darn it!
by TwiZted LoGiC August 15, 2006
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