You have just completed a play. You've fallen in love with the writing. You enjoyed the people around you. You've spent so much time with the cast that they become your second family. You realize that all of the inside jokes within the cast and all of the performances are now just memories. You miss it all. You would give anything to do it all again.
Bill: What's got you down, Greg?

Greg: Ah, nothing. Just post-show depression.

Bill: I get it. The show was great.

Greg: Thanks (thinks about show)(starts quietly sobbing)
by theatregeek3000 November 24, 2019
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The sinking feeling that you get after realizing that you are worthless and insignificant. This comes about after one googles there own name and nothing but facebook pages for a different "place your name here" in Canada appears.
Person 1: I hate my life
Suicide Hotline: Why?
Person 1: Post-Google Depression
Suicide Hotline: Oh, then its not only you that hates you. Its god. Are you Jewish by any chance?
by Mac___Crazy September 26, 2010
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Temporary blindness experienced shortly after ejaculation
She offered to blow me while I was driving her home, but I was worried about post ejaculatory blindness
by bigstraightfollowing August 1, 2008
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That moment of mental clarity that can only be achieved by 'blowing your load' or 'shooting your bolt'. A lot of honest internal dialogue can be had with yourself in these moments....shame it doesn't last very long.

AKA: P.E.E. / PE-Squared / P-Double-E
'Damn, last night I got post ejaculatory enlightenment..... and you're right...... she was a pig!'
by The Urban Keats October 24, 2007
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The sadness after a real good poop. Sometimes you poop and its feels like part of you has left and something significant has been lost that can never be brought back. It leaves a feeling on incredible remorse and sadness.
Howard are you doing okay this morning?
I'm okay I just have some post poop depression. It will pass.
by Barnardo October 28, 2016
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When you feel like your life lost its meaning after finishing a game, this might also be referred as PGD or just depression.
Jesus chirst, I just finished Persona 4 and i have post game depression i cant cope with living...
I get you man i also got PGD after finishing Bubsy 3D.
by NepaliCook January 16, 2018
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The feeling you get after your favourite tv series or game ends; when you feel an overwhelming sadness, contemplating where your life goes from here, will you watch a new show or just flood with tears at the thought of the great trauma you've just experienced.
"What am I going to do now Breaking Bad is over what is the point to my Life now, I think I might go curl up in a ball and die"
"hey man, i think you have Post-Finale Depression"
by ghostnappa March 2, 2015
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