When a public figure (politician running for elected office) has the general public perception that they (the public figure) can sustain an "up economy". Usually a reference, or slang used by pollsters and mainstream media.
by Topher.Laclis March 19, 2017
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A far-below-average dude who is usually passed over in favor of more "succulent 'n' satisfying" male-meat by all but the most ugly/desperate/undesirable hussies who would otherwise have little chance of getting laid.
Economy-grade studs may not necessarily be dislikable guys per se, but they tend to be sorely lacking in the "hot 'n' heavy" department --- they may have low stamina in bed and/or perspire excessively during intercourse, only cum a weak dribble and/or have to wait several days to "recharge", have a small/narrow wee-wee, be very overweight and/or older than dirt, have an apathetic/lackluster personality, etc. Extra points if they are financially-solvent, though --- at least they won't mooch off the lady they're with at the moment, plus they may even be willing to assist HER with the cost of a few groceries and/or housewares.
by QuacksO November 24, 2017
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something that is really bad or screwed up.
Guy #1: Damn it! My girlfriend invited her new friend over for dinner tonight!
Guy #2: So... What's so bad about that?
Guy #1: She's my ex!
Guy #2: Damn. That sounds like it's going to be a walk in the economy
Guy#1: You think???
by StevTaal January 30, 2010
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Going somewhere else to poop to save money on toilet paper, water bill, etc.
Why isn’t Ron home?
Well, he went to McDonald’s down the street to take an economy dump. Man is on a budget.
by maxreboband November 21, 2019
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A strategic model firstly conceptualize by Identer Blockchain Technology. This mode reflects the value of appreciation of return investment of every sectors that uses the technology as a form of service provider in digital ecosystem.

Circular Valued Economic Model states that the Cycle of economic activities both physical and digital exchanges should be balance.

Hence, the Identer Blockchain Technology is the proponent of this new strategic model to incentivize technology users not just they are costumers or clients but also giving them a value of right of participation to the network.
Identer is a circular valued economy that solves the volatility of emotional premises.
by DigitalWisdom May 6, 2022
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