a schizophrenic who has convinced themselves they go to harvard
wolfgang is such a "harvard student"
by mega-est god July 29, 2021
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The Washington University of the North East. But, no tempurpedic mattresses, Jason Derulo concerts, or arches.
Emily: Damn Girl, I heard you got into Harvard University.

Savannah: I know its practically the WashU of the north east.

Emily: Sorry about your mattresses
by savannastasia steele October 13, 2020
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A long time ago for as long as man can remember, there was a small group of private Universities (Yale, Harvard, Princeton, etc.) attended by arrogant sons and daughters of aristocrats and socialites. Due to their influential background and their white skin tone, they eventually graduated and naturally became leaders, CEOs, and CFOs of the world’s largest public corporations. They wanted a way to make money without exerting much effort so they decided to make public announcements of how their companies would do business together to generate X amount of revenue. This news led many investors, educated and uneducated, into foolishly buying shares of these companies. As the price of the shares rose, these so-called leaders became filthy rich. They would indulge in the finest caviar and French wines, wear designer suits and drive the fastest cars from Italy, and of course, have access to the most physically attractive women the world has to offer. Eventually their scam would come to an end so they had to sell their ownership of these company shares and announce to the public that the deals went sour. These scams repeat over and over throughout the history of man. This, my friend, is how the world works. If you are born the right color, and at the right time, you can have it all.
Joe: Life is so unfair. I just got canned dude.

Jack: Yup life sucks. If there's such thing as reincarnation, I'd want to be reborn a Harvard Jew.

Joe: Me too!
by Gagamel August 11, 2010
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Anyone: "Smitty, where are you going to college?"
Smitty: "Ahhhh, Harvard on the hill!"
Anyone: "Livin' the high life eh?"
Smitty: "Ahhhh, I cannot disclose that information!"
by Naka naka March 30, 2006
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Harvard Westlake is a school where half of the kids get in for the money, and the other half are asian...yup...thats pretty much HW
1/2 of the people at Harvard Westlake are asians!
by anonymous00100 May 29, 2008
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How women are typically perceived at Harvard University. This perception generally inflates the true rating of women by approximately 2-3 points on the 10 point scale. For example, if a woman is a 5 outside of Harvard, she is approximately an 8 at Harvard.

WARNING: When Beer Goggles are worn in conjunction with Harvard Goggles, the resulting hookup may be disastrous (i.e. bestiality or homosexuality).
"Wow! Did you see that babe over there?"
"She is maybe a four. We're on break, its time to remove your harvard goggles"
by theblacknight October 31, 2009
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When race, gender, sports and parents money matter first and academic merit is a distant second
At Harvard Jewniversity, All the Asians with perfect test scores were turned away, while LaKeisha with a 1400 SAT got a full ride for basketball and Ira Jewberg slipped a few million under the table to buy his native American transgender brat's way into a life of ill-gotten riches, fame and CEO-dom
by D Flawless June 17, 2020
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