1.an extremely pissed asian sister that can tap into her crouching tiger hidden dragon when needed, more lethal than Ermer and Burke combined - she's the shit
2.a force not to be reackoned with
"danny roberts, did you write shit about my brother, damn! beware of the azn rage"
by the BIG sister February 7, 2004
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1. a hybrid, oriental, version of anger
2. violent, explosive anger by an Azn. See John Ermer or Burke Oleszewski
3. an high-intensity outbreak of rage characterized by cursing, shouting of derogatory terms, red-eyes, and an uncontrollable temper
"yo razzy, you shouldnt have decked burke. you just opened up his box of azn rage."
"don't make me unleash my azn rage."
"ive got so much azn rage right now"
by zulu February 6, 2004
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A Fobby who has a "unique" typing skill
wOrD uP tO maH aZn SoLjAhZ -_-

tRuE kI||4z iN th15 b|4tCh! o_0 -_+
by |0| July 9, 2003
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a batman that is asian and not white
batman - a comic book crime fighter
Hes not a white batman hes a azn batman.
by juni3789 February 20, 2008
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Used to described how that awful oriental race is spreading around the world in massive numbers like a diesease.
Especially used in neighbourhoods or regions in a city dominated by the oriental race.
Uggh, there are so many asians around here. What an azn invasion.
by vatoloco April 26, 2005
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The 2 inch man in their pants.
asian guy: omg dude my azn rage is like HUGE!
other guy: lol @ 2 inches
by D4rk January 1, 2006
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