Hilariously awesome show featuring either Clive Anderson (British version) or Drew Carey (US version). Both have their own unique charm, however I much prefer the US version myself. Colin and Ryan are the best preformers in my opinion, however Wayne Brady is the best at making up songs on the spot. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen it before.
Turn on the T.V. man, Whose Line is on!
by TallicaD00d October 21, 2004
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The boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania. A symbolic dividing line between the North and the South before the Civil War. The two surveyors who mapped the line, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, are the namesake for the imaginary border.
Once you've crossed the Mason Dixon line headed North, you're not likley to find a Waffle House.
by ebradfor November 12, 2005
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wen ur man has got a boner
check ur line prop.....its like a tent pole!!!!!
by bekki and clare March 5, 2008
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to get somebody to call you, you're line as in the phone where you talk to someone, usually used a lot on Facebook in statuses where people will want them to call them at night.
Person 1 Status- Aye, who tryna get on my line tonite?

Comments -
Person 2 - Oh me, what's your number
Person 1 - Imma inbox it to you.
by DMVHipster March 30, 2011
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When three or more venereal warts grow in a straight line on the shaft of a penis. Not to be confused with an Oklahoma biscuit.
That skank chipped a tooth on my Pennsylvania ridge line so I punched her.
by Barnwood January 21, 2012
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Noun. The act of throwing a box of bullets into a campfire usually with a large group of people.
by Haigy July 26, 2011
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When a bunch of black guys are waiting for a hooker, and they stand in a line waiting for their turn.
"what do you call a bunch of black guys waiting in line for a hooker?"


"An african deli line"
by nasty dog October 8, 2011
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