Also known as the Daytona 500, NASCAR’s biggest day! Kind of cool to see, even if you're not a fan. Many go for the wrecks that you can experience without actually being in them. Food, beer and Merch are also a draw. People watching is as much fun as the race its self.
I went to the Left Turn Olympics to drink beer in the sun and see wrecks!
by Sonicbo0mz February 14, 2021
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when a brass player in a marching band drops their mouth piece and another marcher that witnesses this says "quarter turn"
*Marches set*
*does aggressive visual*

*mouthpiece falls off*
*Woodwind marcher*

"quarter turn hehe"

*me mumbling*
"u fuking kike"
by butstilltho October 30, 2017
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Refers to where you temporarily spin your rectangular mouse-pad a fraction of a turn so that you can roll the mouse diagonally along the pad for maximum "continuous travel-distance" before having to lift the mouse and bring it back up to the top of the pad again. Useful for when you need to move the cursor farther than an entire "top to bottom" or "left to right" sweep of the screen, such as if the web-page is extra long/wide, or if you are needing to view the page with the magnifier racked up considerably.
I always set my cursor's travel-speed at maximum so that I usually don't have to move the mouse very far to navigate the entire screen-area; once in a while I have to look at a really long column of text or images (like if I'm reading a large volume of text or shopping for items on a lengthy catalog-page), though, and so I do a 1/7-turn mouse-pad rotation to minimize my having to perform "fresh-bite hops" with the mouse.
by QuacksO April 3, 2019
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when someone 'turns josie' they are given a small amount of authority and then are super bitchy about it to everyone who's supposedly under/equal to them
I don't know if I should put them in charge, what if they turn josie
by cobbler?ibarelyknowher October 27, 2022
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When a person/persons talks bad about you and strongly dislikes you until something interesting/clout related thing happens to you
Why is she videoing her hoco proposal, she didn't like her before. Funny how bitches turn into my fans
by coolkid2781 September 26, 2021
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A phrase used to tell someone to think about what they say before saying it.
Dude, turn on your filter there are children here!

Keep your filter on when in the holocaust museum.
by Shaggytron April 4, 2018
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Super Saiyan: A form in the Dragon Ball franchise. Used to announce that you have developed terminal cancer that you will not survive.
Person 1: Hey, I have turned Super Saiyan now.
Person 2: No way bro, I'm so sorry for you.
by mmmmahyes August 10, 2022
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