The hazing ritual used by fraternities that involves flatulating, deficating, ejaculating, or urinating in the food of pledges
Jim: "You see that new guy?"
Bobby:"Yeah, what should we do?"
Jim:"His food could use some fresh seasoning"
by Dr. Highschoolrandom February 4, 2011
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When spring ends and summer starts , Where girls are single and guys only want to smash
Damn I just smashed a single girl in the bathroom -jimmy

Oh it’s single girl season-John
by Brooky_spamz April 27, 2019
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A season in small ski-resort towns during which stupid foreigners fill the streets, lookin for things to spend far too much money on. Also known as a hunting season during which the stupid tourons are GAME.
Jen: "Oh Christ, its almost tourist season."
Jim: " Oop, better stock up on ammo and overpriced goods."
by ThatOneGuyWhoHatesYou January 29, 2010
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A period of minor depression following the end of a sports season. It is most common in high school athletes.
Person 1: “Damn, I just ain’t been right since the track season ended”
Person 2: “You got some post-season depression
by august rain June 6, 2022
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Festy. Anything that is totally gross, or very unpleasent to view or smell.
Guy 1 "Check out that fatty!"
Guy 2 "That shit is festive season"
by MiddleFingers January 17, 2007
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Mantel Season in a fictional season, created by women, to guilt their husband's into building extra large mantels to decorate. Once the mantel is built, they are extremely over decorated, so the women can flood social media with pictures of their mantels. This causes other women who have guilted their husband's into building expensive, oversized mantels, in the name of "mantel season", to overwhelmingly show support, so they can then guilt their husband's for not showing support for "such an extremely important celebration that they were robbed of up until that point." Mostly celebrated by "Karens," but also celebrated by the "Y" variation as Karyn.
"(Enter any name like 'Chad'), you have robbed our family of the enjoyment of mantel season for too long. I demand you to build one, or I want to talk to a manager."
by Fireplace Expert October 5, 2023
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The day after a holiday, its called "Yitude Season" because it sounds better that way. Originally there were two definitions of these two words together but I cant say them because of the Urban dictionary gods.
What is the day after my birthday or any holiday called?

Oh Bernie, its called "Yitude Season"
by DominoRussia September 21, 2021
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