Used in Latinoamerican English to describe that a really fat lady wants to destroy you during sex.
We had sex yesterday night, and I can't move, bloody trina boing zip-zap.
by susilacotorra January 31, 2022
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Also in offensive Latinoamerican English, it is used to describe a really fat lady that can be compared as a walrus or a seal.
Look at that, she is trina boing zip-zap.
by susilacotorra January 31, 2022
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It originiated from a pakistani boy, named Hassan back in the old school days in primary school. It is verbally used to diss, humiliate and annoying the shit out of you. Curry_king has become the successor to use the term once Hassan left Beacon Hill School.
Hassan scored a goal! He goes up to Tim

Hassan: NAP NAP ZIP ZAP and tickles his chin

Tim: you're so gay.......
by curry_king April 3, 2005
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super de duper cool. beyond all coolness.
Wow, that brand new porsche is the shiznito bang snip snap sam zap
by Anonymous May 5, 2003
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You have any Zap’s left?
(Prison Slang)
by ItachiiSoLit August 10, 2021
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An exclamatory response by a third party after a bitch has received an insult or been publicly embarrassed.
Student 1: Did you see what Mike did to Monique in the pizza parlor the other day?
Student 2: Yeah, he totally bitch zapped her!
by Sarah_M_123 February 13, 2010
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When someone receives a blowjob and is unable to see straight afterward.
"She sucked my dick and after I came I fell asleep. I was tapped and zapped."
by dreadvimfantail August 1, 2022
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