1) Culturally retarded conservazombie who realizes he's made a gay sex reference far too late, and attempts to change a slang term 10 years old by defacing the Internet.

2) The lowering of a man's scrotum into someone's mouth.

Who do these teabagging idiots think they are? Ingsoc?

Alex is a master of teabagging, and many of the local ladies have tasted of his scrotal flavors.
by mr kali rising April 19, 2009
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n. (gerund):

1. A sexual act wherein a man inserts his scrotum into another person's mouth, imitative of the act of brewing tea. It may be done for erotic or mischievous reasons.

2. The act of protesting certain fiscal policies of the federal government, performed by conservative American citizens who do not understand just how out of touch they are with the nation's youth.
"Right there–middle of the page, FOX News. They're calling themselves 'teabaggers.' Did no one think of running a Google search beforehand?"

Be it a frat party or the National Mall, remember: teabagging impresses no one and will only lead to a bad taste in someone's mouth.
by trentaceret April 20, 2009
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The mornic act of conservatives/Republicans sending used teabags to lawmakers because they think Obama is a Nazi.
"I didn't know that teabagging through the mail was even possible!"
by its_only_me April 10, 2009
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The act of dipping one's testicles into the mouth of another, something that Fox News personality Glenn Beck suggested conservatives should do to each other in collective gatherings nationwide on April 15, 2009.
I hate what these damn LIEbruls are doing to my country, let's get together with a bunch of Republicans and rock out while teabagging each other, because we're like totally not closeted, repressed self-hating homosexuals!!! We hate the gays!!!
by UrbanDG April 13, 2009
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To dip someones balls on a another person's face, usually when their sleeping.
I teabagged strelok after he passed out last night. What a hermit!
by Magnester January 30, 2009
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Dropping someones nuts into someones mouth.
by Sias February 9, 2005
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An act, usually performed by a male, characterized by the placement of one's scrotum into the mouth of another. Originally coined by angry American colonists who, in response to the unforgiving Tea Act of 1773, retaliated by boarding British ships in the Boston Harbor dressed as Native Americans (see Indians) and proceeded to dip their scrotums into the mouths of British seamen. Because this embarrassing act resembled the brewing of tea and was coupled with the British fondness for fine tea, colonists began to name this act "teabagging."

By the late nineteenth century, hostilities with Great Britain had diminished in America. Since the founding of America, teabagging has remained a strong humiliation and has only grown more popular. At the Geneva Convention of 1949, British diplomats appealed to change the name of this event from "The Boston Teabag Party" to "The Boston Tea Party," removing all negative associations to the now pariah act of teabagging.
Navajo Chief: We accept your peace offering, Washington. In return, the spirits will grant you a swift victory over the British. We will now demonstrate the ancient technique of teabagging.
George Washington: Astounding teabagging, gentlemen. The Redcoats will surely repeal these taxes on our tea!
by James Declanio March 20, 2010
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