The shocker (Three steps):
1. 2 in the pink, dick in the stink.
2. Putting your dick in her mouth to calm her down.
3. kicking her ass out the door when she cries/screams/cusses after performing the above.
Old bitch got a triple-shocker last night! I made her asshole bleed and her breath smell like shit!
by She deserved it April 30, 2005
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you dude you wanna hang out with the shockers.. YEAh i heard mike is the shit hes so cool
by shanahanagins June 14, 2008
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a band from goshen,ny that is awesome. it consists of chris,billy,eric,and chris
jamiez: hey dude are you going to the shockers concert.
joe-nathan: wats the shockers?
jamiez:only the best band on f-ing planet
by chrissy January 6, 2005
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Guy 1: "Dude did you meet that chick Cindy last night?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, I took her back to my place and rocked her with The Shocker."
by mudd_butt February 6, 2008
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A rip-off of the Matt Hardy "V1.0" sign that the index and middle fingers are together insted of being spread apart.

Two in the front, one in the back

Mexican Luchador who is currently in TNA
I saw a foam Shocker hand last summer and at first I thought it a foam V1.0 hand.

After I gave Morgan shocker, she wanted me to marry her.

Shocker is Alex Shelley's bitch. He is 1-2 against him.
by Mike August 28, 2005
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The stupid goddamn name that a couple of '14s are trying to propagate as the new term for 53 Commons, otherwise known as FoCo.
I call FoCo 'the Shocker' because I like to show my peers that I am a truly naive pubefuck.
by The Dartmooooose January 17, 2011
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The insertion of multiple fingers into a womans body, plus the rubbing of the clitoris. Also reffered to as Two in the pink, one in the stink, and one to command the clit.
I gave some random bitch the shocker last night, she said noone commanded her clit like that before. SCORE!
by Jake Fischer April 22, 2005
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