A mode of conversation in which each participant tries to one up the other with their vocabulary. Usually using abnormal words that they would not normally be used in conversation.
Guy 1: Bro, I'm so perplexed by the array of errands that I must carry out today.

Guy 2: Yeah, you seem pretty perturbed

Guy 1: Yeah, I should probably commence on taking care of my itinerary.

Guy 2: Itinerary.....you get points for that one. haha....but I still think I'm winning this game of open-air-scrabble.
by drummer12189 November 29, 2010
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To say that you are going to play or are playing nice game of scrabble is to, announce that you are going to take a nap or go to bed or you are already sleeping.
My grandfather decided to play a nice game of scrabble when instead of helping my grandmother
by SweetPicklesYeah July 21, 2018
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Eating a girl out while she’s driving. Usually involving spelling words out with your tongue on her vag while she operates a motor vehicle.
Damn I just played gravel scrabble with that Pi Phi who got a dui. I can’t believe I’m still alive.
by Ya boy skinny peen October 6, 2021
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A term used to describe frustration at da MAN. A name for people in authority that you are angry at.
Those scrabble fuckers took my cheese!
by BillyBD April 1, 2010
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Synonym for Target Fixation: Where you become so focused on one thing you inadvertently ignore the rest, usually to your detriment.
He had 3 playable words right there in front of his face but he obviously didn't see them because he was so busy trying to use high point value letters that he lost the Scrabble game due to Scrabble Blindness.
by AmadeuS469 October 27, 2019
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When a man penetrates a vagina with his nuts and only his nuts.
Hey would you mind if I scrabble bagged you later?
My girl asked me if I could scrabble bag her.
Last night I was so drunk I scrabble bagged a bitch.
I was scrabble bagging so hard I think I popped a nut.
by Scrabblebagger69 August 16, 2021
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a little girl that's crazy and ghetto. Also a new dance where you wiggle your arms fastly by your sides.
1)Dang that girl is a Skribble Scrabble!
2)Did you see him doin the Skribble Scrabble at the club?
by Smokey Joes Cafe November 4, 2007
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