a great series geaturing 4 of the nerdiest canadians ever. or new jerseyans. iunno, but they are nerdy and great. especially fps doug. BOOM HEADSHOT!
jeremy: so like i killed his laser tank with my shock cannon and --

fps doug: im like BOOOOOOM HEADSHOT
by XaRaMF July 31, 2005
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When the master warlock Skinnypete lays waste to his opponents leaving only their tears as evidence of their existence. Skinnypete tends to eat his victims.
That pally that tried to gank skinnypete fell victim to teh pwnage and was later eaten for his efforts.
by Don Moose August 16, 2006
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When someone pwns you in a really bad way, So bad that you can't get out of it or deny it/

Person 2: No...

*Person 1 shows photo whilst Person 2 runs away crying*

by Andrew Brannan May 27, 2008
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Ninja Pwnage: Verb, Pwnage... Ninja Style!
Ninja Pwnage is Ninja Pwnage, what else is there to say?
by IamBeast March 26, 2009
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Over the time, on the online games, the verb TO OWN became TO PWN due to common typo from players.
Pwnage is the same thing as pwn or own
u is you
So it means own you
-Omg my im so gosu I pwnage u
-Oh my god im so good I own you
by WarZoid June 6, 2006
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Extreme pwnage combined w/ intense rapage. Most often used in video gaming, esp. online or multiplayer, and can be used w/ the term newbs or noobs.
That was some intense pwnage rape when he took out that whole room fulla noobs in 10 seconds.

Man, i just got done pwnage raping a shit tonna noobs in cod.
by shit-tard November 30, 2010
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Pwnage in the raw.(can be compared to porridge). A substance that magically appears while the body slows down(like during sleeping). similar to the tooth fairy, Pure pwnage comes and takes away a bit of n00b that resides in that person. If pwnage is caught, the pwn fairy is forced to give you pwnage for later use.
june: I caught the pwn fairy lasy night.
july: Cus you lost to a loser!? what a noob!
July after pwnage: Care for a cup of tea, my dear June?
June:so thats the power of pure pwnage...
by Porkbun313 December 29, 2007
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