Leftover saliva or spit on the edge of a glass can or cup generally filled unmentionables.
Holy shit dude ! I just opened this drink! you took a sip and left residu-spit on the can!
by Datsron December 23, 2021
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When you yawn and it makes that weird ass noise like a burp but it isn’t a burb y’know?
Ayo bro, was that a burp or some yawn residual?
by Sue hayride July 31, 2021
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"Damn that bitch had some mad thot residue."
"I don't sweat, i thot residue."
by Wastedfridays May 13, 2016
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The sensation of still being able to feel your pants after you've taken them off. Especially common after wearing tight pants or skinny jeans.
My skinny jeans were so tight that when I took them off I had residual pants!
by LarraKyleen May 20, 2014
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Little flakes of poop that slide of the poop piece during the decent into the water, this process occurs during the poops time spent in the air after leaving your bum hole
Poop residue settles in high numbers of poop particles on the ceramic toilet bowl visible to the naked eye. "The stuff you need the brush for" DO NOT CONSUME
Andy left poop residue on the toilet.
by Swaggridd January 17, 2016
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The brown chocolate like substance on your wang when you pull out of his/her tang
by Luke(Pookie) November 9, 2023
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The chocolate residue on your penis when you pull out of his/her anus
She ate the (Shit) chocolate residue off me after I railed her
by Luke(Pookie) November 9, 2023
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