A term used to call someone gay, usually towards Scottish people.

This term is often used with the classic Scottish sarcasm. Therefore, this can be a friendly greeting as well as an insult. The same way Scottish people call each other “cunts” all the time as a friendly greeting.

Using this with the intent as a homophobic insult in Scotland could potentially be perceived as a hate crime under the Hate Crime & Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021.

However, using it as a sarcastic greeting among normal friends is just part of the classic Scottish banter.
Friendly Greeting (In Sarcastic Scottish Accent):
“How’s it going ya filthy haggis packer?”

Insult (Homophobic Tendencies):
“Fuck off ya filthy haggis packer!”
Suck me aff ya disgusting haggis-packing bastard!”
by PP04 January 18, 2023
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Look at Johnny out there in the field shagging the haggis. What a pervert!
by anonymous1717 October 15, 2016
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A woman (typically Scottish) with a soft vagina
Woman-my Haggis was destroyed last night by Spicy McHaggis
by Herpesbacon April 6, 2017
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a small rough haired four legged creature that has shorter legs on one side than the other . Scottish people kill haggises to eat and if they didn't the haggis would walk up a mountain in spirals and die at the top due to the size of their legs
it is haggis hunting season
by spleenlover August 31, 2022
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The word a Scottish girl uses instead of god or swearing when receiving a good fucking.
*man and Scottish woman in bed together*
MAN: "Omg this is amazing!!!"
by O P R I C E Y May 20, 2018
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The lowest point your wood settles at. Some people want it lower, but it's too popular and that just seems to be stuck there untill someone pokes it.
Did you see how low that Homu went?

It's fine, it's Thick and bounce back to the Haggis Bottom by noon.
by The_LSD_Fairy July 14, 2021
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