coming from the word coolie with super added to give it more impact. It is the exclaimed form of coolie. its backround is young teens primarily 13-16. Used in a excited mood, or too express happiness, or how cool something is, but saying that nothing else could ever, ever, compare.
"DUDE! That board is super coolie! Where'd u get it!?" OR, "Oh my god, i was just walking around when i saw some girl, she was super coolie." OR, man that cd is so great, its Super coolie! OR as an adjective, "how was your day?" "My day was fun, it was super coolie!" OR "Im so super coolie"
by pride fire July 5, 2004
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Prep Girls, Girls that think they are better then most
by Jared November 21, 2003
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fooly cooly pt.1: The act of giving a handjob/fingering
fooly cooly pt.2: The act of giving a blowjob/eating out
"Hey did you get to fooly cooly pt. 1 or pt. 2 with Chelsea last night?"
"Sadly enough, only pt. 1"
by SamKonDodo March 15, 2008
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when something is cool, and you are usually agreeing to it, used as an answer to a question
anne - "hey! im going to the movies on saturday, wanna come?"
maddie - "yeah! coolie magoolies!"
by MULCAHYYYY! November 3, 2007
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FoolyCooly=crazy mother fucker

It’s also means moments of pure insanity and sexual intensity
Just like Samuel Jackson’s Bad motherfucker
This is my Fooly Cooly crazy motherfucker
by TerminallyBaked October 15, 2021
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back when the japenese where building the bridge on the river kwai, they would put the worst american prisoners into a steel shed (hut) with one cup of water, on the hot days. this was know as the "coolie hut"
he's been misbehaving, stick him in the coolie hut!
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