true- guy who relies on shock to sell his albums. nothing more than another man wearing makeup to get famous. he sells an image not music. he is no better than dashboard confessional.

false- the reason columbine and 9/11 happened. he didnt get a gun and kill those kids, two depressed kids did.
marilyn manson sucks dick but he isnt the reason why kidds kill people.
by john gallione May 8, 2007
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Another lame-ass Mtv "shock" artist.He tries to "shock" us by wearing funny fake boobs just like Madonna with her pointy cones (fake boobs).I bet he even fucked a poodle just to be more like Madonna.He'll probably marry Guy Ritchie and start going to Kabbalah center next.
Oh my goth,Marilyn Manson is such a posery little bitch,Madonna wannabe.Mtv is just sad and pathetic.That's what it is.Satan is gay!
by life is disturbing, September 11, 2005
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Alrighty. Marilyn Manson, one of the more interesting and induvidual musicians out there. Is pointed to by many to be evil, satanic, and "The Antichrist". He is by no means any of these things. He's just a person, like anyone else. He just happens to be very creative, bordering on weird. but, because of this, many don't give the music a chance. Some of the more well known songs by him are "This is the New shit, the beautiful people, and a cover of the song "Sweet dreams" Two interesting side notes, he did the voice of the alien Edgar in the game AREA 51 for ps2 and xbox, and the name Marilyn Manson comes from Marilyn Monroe, the actress who'se death is still a mystery, and Charles Manson, the Serial killer.
Luke: Yo, twitch, what's your favorite Marilyn Manson album?

Twitch: Dude, Antichrist Superstar, without a doubt.
by Twitchard December 9, 2006
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1.a HUGE attention whore
2.a freaky shitty singer who dresses like a goth faggot
3.a loser who never got a hug from mommy or daddy
shitty singer marilyn manson
by FUZZY TOFU May 14, 2010
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A creative artist misunderstood artist , a fan of using the gothic image in a cabaret manor , DOESNT CONSIDER HIMSELF GOTHIC ! and knows how to sell himself and to all of the so call goths who consider themselves open minded dream on cause i see no acception at all
marilyn manson over rides the idiocy of all goths who have nothing better to do than judge
by tishy doll August 14, 2006
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shitty pretend musician who relies on shock value
marilyn manson's music isn't music
his videos are just him naked showing his manboobs...a trick he learned from madonna

he's just a weird naked cockeyed freak
by O_o January 29, 2005
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