V8 Performance model of Ford's Legendary Mustang.
That GT Smoked that crappy import
by herb December 24, 2003
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stands for gay tendencies. said when one of your friends is acting gay or saying gay things.
Kyle: you want a hug, man?

Gus: that's freakin GT bro, get the hell away from me.
by thezorak July 14, 2011
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by Α March 4, 2022
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Dude: WTF does this mean? i can't read it!
Dude2: GT it
Dude: ok
by Xathanos November 29, 2010
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Game Tape.

When you record a sporting event in order to watch it later without commercials, you are building up GT, or game tape.
"Ah man I hate this commercial. Why does the NBA have so many timeouts"
"Don't worry man we got GT, I can skip this noise."
by My Initials are JC May 23, 2009
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