Matthew Crawford is a hottie. Cute mf. But he's a shy guy, introvert even. He loves to play video games and look outside. He wonders about certain events that could've happened in his life if he was more altruistic. But he always prevails through his tough times. He's very intelligent and knows how to handle himself.
Person 1: Hey you know Matthew Crawford?
Person 2: The cutie next store?
Person 1: Yeah! blonde hair and everything. Isn't he so amazing?
Person 2: Yes he is!
by Gavin 🦔 November 6, 2021
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When a man with a potato-shaped torso clasps rejection in a abstract briefcase
Did you hear about Cliff?
No, what happened?
He had a Crawford moment 🫡🫡🫡
by CrawfordMoment April 27, 2022
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A Jew with amber friend zoning him everyday
Sorry alex crawford I’m friend zoning u
by Lily Warwick February 9, 2018
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He is like no one you have ever met before. His eyes, voice, smile, body and just his everything are everything you know you can't live without. Just always love him and he will always be there. Even when he can't be, he is always there.
I wish everyone could have a Robert Wayne Crawford in their life.
by Robear's Marshmellow December 25, 2021
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She is like your best wet dream and your worst nightmare at the same time. likely to give you a boner immediately. Enigmatic as fuck. I know she’s there when she looks me in the eye but I can’t get full access to her. She is a Grace Kelly with a fun side. For this reason she’s a coveted female. Like all women, she likes diamonds and skinny dipping. Her heart only deals in real love, not teenager twatsicle shit, and she uses humor and humility to cope with the consequences of interacting with sensitive idiot males who have never pursued anything in their lives and who can’t emotionally connect. She’ll call you out on your glaring hypocrisy immediately and you’ll be so pissed because she’s right and it’s infuriating. She’s highly intelligent…. intelligent enough to not show you that she’s smarter than you sometimes :) intelligent enough to act immaturely sometimes. if you’re truly loved by Natalie it will be unforgettable in the best way
Guy 1 Why does Natalie Crawford make me cum so hard?

Guy 2 Because you fall in love with Natalie Crawford..
by yourwelcomez November 24, 2021
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a group of retardeds also referred to as a ''cannon fodder brigade'' made out of useless people who dont know how to fight
that idiot is in crawford he didnt even shoot when he saw me
by blackstone mercenaries August 19, 2017
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