Lacking any recollection of the night before, and yet fairly confident that you got some play.
“So did you tap that last night or what? She was all over you.”

“I can’t say for sure, I think I got a Blur Job.”
by Ockman May 2, 2008
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To be so drunk and/or high out of your mind that you can't see straight.
Girl I drank so much Ciroc, I was seeing blurred lines
by Mrsoffica August 17, 2013
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Blur is a Bizarre Creations game (creators of PGR, MSR and F1'97 in racing genre) published by Activision in 2010 and it's one of finest vehicular combat racing game ever made. Incredible car handling with much difference in each vehicle make it very hard to play for casuals and rewarding to hardcore gamers. I can describe online gameplay as CoD with cars but better and greater (luck = skill = experience).

Unfortunately soon after Blur release, Bizarre Creations was closed by nazists and fans for this brilliant racing game won't see sequel soon (if ever).
Sitting in a chair, doing some stuff, playing Blur when damn nazi comes to your room and fuck up your game by taking servers, putting lag and saying "no more Blur in future for you, you silly Polish shit" and gives new CoD instead.
by ShinMoteuchi July 7, 2011
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When a girl blows you so fast that her head is nothing but a blur.
Nate: "Did you get a blow job last night, man?"
Josh: "Dude, I got more than that, I got a fuckin blur job!"
Nate: "Right on man! I knew Kelly was good!"
by DanikaDarko May 22, 2009
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A disturbing image . Of The members of nineties band blur dancing to this strange melody . When blur can create real music .
Damon Albarn - Graham WTF are you doing ?
Graham Coxon -Dance with me Look Alex Is !
Alex James - Come on Damon !
Dave Rowntree - Come on baby !
Song - Blur Macarana
Spectator - Wow It's Blur Doing the macarena
by DamonAlbarn September 6, 2010
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When the black top, aka asphalt, is so hot that it sends off heat waves and makes everything look blurry.
Why does that car look like it's driving underwater?

It's just too hot- it's a black top blur.
by SGLwillbSGLR July 2, 2011
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(n) vision that is unclear or distant; caused by poor eyesight in general, and/or being "under the influence."
1) The eighty year old woman failed the eye test for her driver's license; she must have that 20/20 blur.

2) I was pulled over by a cop last week. I was drunk out of my mind and had that 20/20 blur; thankfully he just towed my car and drove me home.

3) Bro last night I was tripping hardcore on some acid; I couldn't see two feet in front of me! The worst 20/20 blur I ever had!
by Buzzard Smoke December 20, 2014
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