The less witty man's version of the word slacktivist
Old man: Look at this kid on Facespace, he's such an armchair activist.

Kid: Do you mean he's a slacktivist? What the hell is an armchair anyway? Is it a chair made out of arms?
by Big Dick Harry June 18, 2012
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Oh! He knows nothing about poverty and disease in Africa. He is an armchair thinker based out of New York.
by Sugzie1 November 23, 2011
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Generally these people are pompous, drug induced, morons.

They usually wear beanies or a loose fitting t-shirt and dirty clothes. They spend their days by the TV smoking weed and watching rick&morty. They watch the Joe rogan podcast and believe that aliens are everywhere and that the CIA have time machines.

You may confuse them with tinfoil wearers but they are a little less nuts. They believe that them and only them understand the universe and that they are unique and special... But they work for minimum wage and get their facts from unreliable sources and use blanket terms to make their points seems more air tight. When you challenge them on these views then they usually get angry and aggressive but be assured that they haven't been in a fight since their mate stole their pokemon card.

These people are not credible and lack all intellect that they need to make valid conclusions. They will tout unionism as good and capitalism as bad. They believe that the police can't come in their house if they say they can't and they are deluded enough to believe that they are important.

Enjoy your day!
Hey Tom, see Kevin?


Well he's become a pot head and believes the moon landing was fake. God, another Armchair Philosopher!
by Scottish Dictionary March 26, 2020
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an uncouth warmongering piece of shit who never served in the military, let alone during a war yet just 'knows' all the ins-and-outs of wars, internationally diplomacy, etc. They're usually boorish and offensive
1. Gerald didn't serve in Vietnam yet he carps about Gen. Westmoreland not being 'allowed to do the job', killing every 'squint-eye' out there and Jane Fonda. In a strange twist, he also carps about the Vietnam War being so wasteful and credits Richard Nixon for ending it when it truly ended during the Ford administration. IOW, he's an armchair general who needs to STFU.
2. When Desert Storm came on the TV and radio, broadcast 24/7, day and night LIVE, Desmond sat on his ass and watched the 'drama' on the TV, cheering, 'Yaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!! Kick some Ay-rab ass!!!!' like some juvenile sassybrat kid who took the 'Top Gun' movie way too seriously. He shot off his mouth the same way when the Panama War of 1989-1990 was aired on the media in a more 'normal' (not so dramatic) manner and he was that way with Somalia, Haiti, every war ever since. He too is an armchair general who needs to STFU.
3. Ted Turd Nugent and Kid Cock are armchair generals, cheerleaders who also need to STFU.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice February 28, 2022
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Someone that clearly didn't do their research and jumps straight into historical debate. A person that parrots off "facts" they learned in their high school history class and pretends to know the thoughts, intentions and motives of historical figures. Someone who pretends to know history. These people typically think they are above everyone else intellectually just because they know a minute fact that has no application to the current conversation, as if it changes the whole picture.
Random person: "Why did Hitler lose to Stalin again?"
Armchair Historian: "Bro, like Hitler knew nothing about history. Napoleon invaded Russia and lost due to Russian winter. That means that Hitler was retarded because he invaded Russia and lost due to Russian winter."
Actual Historian: "Well that's simply not true, Germany was heavily outnumbered by the allies in WW2 and suffered constant attacks by British air on their infrastructure, making a total victory on the Eastern front nearly impossible. Not to mention Hitler didn't invade farther north than the Baltics. The Russians had even less supplies for their soldiers than the Germans did despite bombings on their infrastructure; the USSR didn't issue enough blankets or clothes for their soldiers on the front line to survive their own winter."
by WRUUTED April 1, 2020
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A person that, through watching Food Network, believes they are now qualified to edit menus, adjust restaurant recipes and provide advice to people that actually work in the Food and Beverage industry.
AEC for short.
Chef, I've got an AEC (Armchair Executive Chef) in the dining room that suggests we use Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the fryer.
Great, tell him his fried will be $48 dollars.
by vegasrew April 9, 2007
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Those who ferociously post inane arguments from their armchairs.
Farah has armchair warrior disorder, he spends all his time online defending inane political arguments that go nowhere.
by Åmiña Åhmëd August 28, 2012
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