To cover ones guts(insides) with a coating of any alcoholic substance.
Glaze Guts;
Generic bro #1: ”Yooo, glaze those guts, bro! Slam that shit, man, bro!”

Generic bro #2: ”Chill, bro. I’m doing it, bro.” *chugs extreme amounts of alcohol because of peer pressure*
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Dumbass nigga who can't pull any hoes in Akui

Only relevant because he got quarantined

Also a Berserk Dickrider
"Guts is better than Asta"

Guts lover beno stfu dumbass
by beno1991 March 21, 2022
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A greasy ass hamburger that causes diarrhea. Particular burgers that are eaten at late-night restaurants after you have just come from the club/bar after a night of drinking.
Man them White Castles are a certified Gut Burger; I just couldn't stop shittin the whole morning.
by January 13, 2023
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Smashing guts.

The act of rubbing guts together during intercourse. Also can be another name for sex.
Fuck! We were smashing guts all over the place last weekend!

I hope tonight he plans on smashing guts!!!
by The limpest dick June 25, 2018
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When you have semi firm nuggets of feces in combination with diarrhea. Is often explosive or accompanied by violent and painful gas.
Bro, I'll never take shots of salsa verde again!!! That shit gave me hardcore gut nuggets
by HexVoid January 5, 2021
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When someone is so sexy and fine as hell in something they do or look, makes you wanna jump their guts
When someone is so sexy and fine as hell in something they do or look, makes you wanna jump their guts

Gut jumping means you wanna jump them til they feel it in their guts

1st scenario
Bro 1: Dang she looks so fine I'm fixing to jump her Guts

Bro 2: Dang bro you about to do what??

2nd scenario
Her: I'm fixing to Gut jump you if you don't come make out with me...

Him: Oh yes baby come Gut jump me!!!
by whitemamatotator December 24, 2020
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