The walnuts vrs the soapies is a war that has been going on since 1987. The soapies use the technique to slide across the water and form into the ultimate soap bubble. The walnuts technique is to throw walnuts, walnut shells, jack walnut, and Koula’s at the soapies. This war has been going on for years without stopping. The soapies logo is a leaf and the walnuts logo is a pineapple. We must stop the soapies before it gets too late.
the walnuts vrs the soapies has been going on a very long time now!
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in this context, used to describe the inane and vacant expression sometimes appearing upon an individual's countenance, suggesting that they are unable to focus or concentrate on current events owing to a preoccupation or pervious misdemeanour involving some form of deviant activity
Andrew, you've gone all Soapy Tit Wank again; will you please just get a grip, a life and a proper haircut, or just fuck off home, will you?
by The Poison Dwarf July 15, 2010
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Use this term When washing a car. This is a famous commicle phrase said by Pat Mohr of
Today's Disturbing peice of advice, how to wash a car. Hmm, LET's GET SOAPY!!
by J-Smooth December 25, 2004
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The Soapy Hand Slap is a sexual act. The way it works is a male ejaculates into his hand, works the spunk into a bit of a lather, then slaps his sexual partner in the face with his now jizz-lathered hand.
Guy : Ugghhhhhnnnnnnnnnn....uhhh....nnnnnnnnn....ah. Ahh. Ah-ah-oh-uhhhhhnnnn. (heavy breathing ensues)

Girl : Whew! That was...well, that was, um...good.

Guy : (fakes masturbating using spunk as lube, in order to work up a lather)

Girl : Oh. You trying to get it up so we can go again?

Guy : Soapy Hand Slap!!! (slaps girl with lathered hand, smearing spunk across her face).

Girl : So, wer'e done, right? I mean, that pretty much just ended our relationship. Ok. Well, see you later, asshole.
by blackholepcs July 11, 2009
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On October 15th, females are required to send a soapy boob pic to a guy friend
Emily it’s the 15th, you know what that means right?”

“Yes, it’s Soapy Booby Pic Day, I’ll get in the shower
by imsolonelyandhornyomglol October 12, 2020
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To run oneself a hot bath with plenty of buddles/foam available with the sole intention of wanking. Associated with the big wank
Dave: So what you get upto last night dude?
Tom: nutin, Just surfed the web for porn for a while and decided to treat myself to a hot soapy bath wank.
Dave: ah-men to that bro, hi five.
by superT's August 14, 2010
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A phrase used to describe one is wearing a cologne or perfume that reminds one of sweet smelling French women.
by Spotted Zebra March 14, 2009
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