extremely desirous of becoming a theatre actor or actress.
The boy has been theatre-struck since his childhood.
by uttam maharjan September 29, 2012
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Dick-Struck ~ When a man is so in love with a person that even just thinking about them gives said male an erection.
“Bro, I keep getting an erection about this girl Linda, she got me dick-struck
by Bannyzanyhammock June 2, 2019
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A lighting bolt names stupid that ony strikes people that are dumb as shit
"Dude we better get home before the storm moves in"
-I agree, we don't want to get struck stupid by the stupid lightening
by JNP95 December 15, 2013
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When you are going through with an action and you stop in the act, and quit. The feeling that god is with you and that you are doing the wrong thing.
I was waxing my wife then I was god struck, I decided to go out for ic cream
by Jsjjsjshbdbdjsbsb December 29, 2018
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When a young lad discovers pussy for the first time and just can't get enough of it.
Ted met some chick in the pub on Saturday and scored, he met another on Sunday and scored again, he can't get enough, he's fanny struck
by Tonysan April 29, 2022
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Where you dont go back to work because you want to stay with the baby.
My sister refused to go back to work because she was baby struck!
by estusemucho August 20, 2019
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A movie where Jay and Silent Bob (or Jaycie/Jayla and Silent Roberta) get struck by an angel.
Script for Jay and Silent Bob Get struck-

Rufus/Rufina- You masturbate more than anybody.

Jay/Jaycie/Jayla- Yea, tell me something I don't know.

Rufus/Rufina- When you do it, you're thinking about fuckin midgets.

Jay/Jaycie/Jayla (to Silent Bob/Roberta)- Dude, not all the time.

At strip club-

Rufus/Rufina- What the fuck are you doing here?

Jay/Jaycie/Jayla- Trying to prove to this tubby bastard I ain't a pedophile.
by The Original Agahnim November 26, 2021
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