Some one addicted to having anal sex with dead baby male animals while the animal corpse is on fire.
Girl 1: i might go out with him. Girl 2: dont do that he is a homopedo-pyronympho-necro-beastafelliac
by Super happy fun time 13 February 2, 2012
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to understand the full meaning of this word, we must break it down:
1. Homo - Homosexual

2. Necro - Necrophilia. def. having sex/intercourse with the dead/decease/those who have snuft it/ those pushing up the daisies.

3. Pedo - Pedophile. def. some one who has sex/intercourse with children under the legal age of consent.

4. Bestiality - def. A person who has sex/intercourse with an animal.

Once broken down, the full meaning presents its self: homo-necro-pedo-bestiality is a person who has sex/intercourse with a dead, baby animal of the same sex.

WARNING: this act is illegal in all countries, except a few select areas.
Man 1: man, me and amanda decided to get a little experimental last night, so we did a little homo-necro-pedo-bestiality.

Man 2: ...dude, i'm calling the cops.
by fattybunta August 26, 2007
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a perversion invloving fucking dead-crippled-baby animals, practiced mainly in middlesboro
hey smoggy get your cock out of that dead cat, you do realise its a spacker, you pervert.
by Diamond Dave April 28, 2004
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The practice of having sex with a dead badger , then afterwards, drinking the jizzm from its arse.

It should be added here that the Badger should be "a few days old" (rotten) with flies emminating from the skull wound. The animal should also have had T.B.

When you come accross something that is particularly sick you can say to your friends - "that's horrible man, like Necro Beastial Badger Feltching".

A popular evening past time for members of parliament and everyone from the Isle of Man.

Common claim, I wasn't "Necro Beastial Badger Feltching, I was simply looking at the wildlife....."
by Reginald Donkeylover October 4, 2005
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a person who engages in sex with a underage dead child of the same sex.... ewwwww
OMG that chick's a homo-necro-peda-philiac! dirty bitch!
by Martin Payne February 4, 2008
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When you dig up your friends grandmother and face fuck her dirty ass until dust comes out her ears and nose.
Hey, Last night I'm not proud of it but that Australian fucker Ed kept running his mouth so I did the unthinkable. I dusty necro face fucker ed his dead grandmother. My dick burns. There was no Puss Mush and the dead bitch now has Zerbies
by ZerbNations February 10, 2018
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Would the both of you shut up? Enough of it already, I've already heard too much and neither of you is correct. Interracial midget Negro bestiality is when you fuck an Asian midgets dead dog, hell who doesn't know that?
Bob is an interracial midget necro bestiality lover who hasn't been caught by his wife yet.
by Solid Mantis May 15, 2017
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