a nice way of saying "you fucking retard!!"

(can be shortened to spack)
simon walks into a glass door that he thought was open, peter says "my god, you spack/spacker!"
by daisy may March 25, 2005
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Someone who repeatedly acts like a dick because they think that they are being funny
Alan: ha gay ha gay ha gay
Ben: stop being a spacker alan
by spacker110 January 26, 2015
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Spam on a cracker

Spam + Cracker = Spacker
Man...I'm so hungry I could eat 600 fucking spackers! :D
by Tommyg_99 May 3, 2006
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A person hailing from the island of Spack, in the Atlantic Ocean.
Across the room from me stood a Frenchman, a Spaniard and a Spacker.
by Bowl June 13, 2006
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when a spick and a cracker have babies they are called spackers
Joe: You see that hottie over there?
Harry: Which one?
Joe: the Spacker over there in the red shirt
Harry: o hell yeah she's fine. Bet shes got a spatch patch
by isaacrocksmysocks December 10, 2007
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A forum/blog member who is a compleat, fucking retard...

...ME!!!!...... acording to my fellow forumers.....:(
I do find myself agreeing with the spacker
by pete430 November 26, 2007
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