An immortal old man in a robe smoking a pipe talking about how much he loves muff cabbage.
"Mmmmm Muff Cabbage!" Says the Muff Cabbage Man in a high pitched British accent.
by Javier Jesus Pablo October 6, 2013
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1. A term used to describe the unhealthiness of one's (woman's) vagina.
2.) A nasty cabbage looking twat.
Eg. "Bro I went to go down on that girl at the party last night and realized she had a beat pussy!"
"Haha man her muff is cabbage!!"
by meefpeople March 9, 2014
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A term originated in New Jersey to put down an opposing Jersey bitch in an argument. Many people do not understand what this means, but then again...

It's a Jersey thing.
Jersey Whore 1: Are you insulting my family?
Jersey Whore 2: Shut up ya gabage!
Jersey Whore 1: No, ya gabage ya cabbage muff!
by dickmasterflex October 14, 2010
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