(Dialect- Mid-Atlantic) Verb; 1) To leave a half-finished beer on a shelf or table and then to open another one. 2) To open another beer without finishing the last one. (Usually at a party, usually at someone else's house)

Adj; Describes a half-finished beer forgotten and left sitting on a shelf or table, usually at someone else's house.
Dude- who griffined this beer?

The next moring my house was full of cigarette butts and griffined beers.
by Dr.Grinch May 2, 2012
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The act of inserting an intoxicating pill into ones rectum for pleasure or science
"I swallowed my pills, Sean Griffined his, he says he gets higher that way"
by mynameismudd August 22, 2012
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Named after Robert Griffin III, (RG3) the Washington Redskins quarterback. Refers to pose RG3 made after touchdown, while on the ground raises both arms in celebration. Fans are noe copying pose and has defined this as griffining.
Did you see ErinAndrews griffining on Fox sports, she tried to copy RG3.
by Bert4 September 16, 2012
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To bail on your friends, and leave them talking to that one babbling asshole no one wants to be around.
Man I can’t believe y’all left me with that mother fucker.

Haha man you got griffined.
by ThreatTriangle January 25, 2021
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A combo between an eagle and a lion. Think for a second...what was the ONE weakness that lions have? They can't fly. Griffin's are like...the most dangerous animals ever. Def better than some weakass dragon.
That Griffin just ripped a fuckin plane outta the sky!
by thuglifeGQ March 12, 2009
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he has a huge dick super hot and always down to fuck. he is a great kisser. normally griffins are always horny even if they are white they have a big black dick. griffins are great in bed and will be your sex buddy for life.
by pussy killer 666 November 27, 2019
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This is what happens to you when you unlawfully impersonate a person on Twitter without making users aware that it is a parody account. Most often it is loud mouth, irrelevant liberals and washed up and b grade Hollywood actors who are trying to push propaganda for their puppet masters. It's certainly no loss. It's like they themselves said, "Twitter is a privately owned company and they can silence whoever they want. Go create your own platform if you don't like it you Nazis" So we took their advise and created Truth Social and then took over their beloved Twitter. Now Twitter is fun and fair, allowing all groups to express their opinions without being censored and silenced. You know, restoring American values thus preventing communist style censorship.
Jose: Finally that idiot Kathy Griffin was permanently suspended from Twitter. She's not only a ghastly looking hag who hates America but her face puts a well used catchers mitt to shame.

Dave: Yeah buddy, she got griffinated for sure. Bette Midler is probably next. Severe cases of TDS and years of having their handlers balls slap off of their face causes that old baseball glove appearance. It takes a professional make-up artist at least 12 hours to make their faces presentable enough to not scare children. Coincidentally scaring children is one of their hobbies.
by geederd November 12, 2022
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