Something thats hard. mainly used with avid stepmania and In The Groove Players
Joe the person:OMG i have a 20 page essay to do!
Joe's friend bob: dude, thats so Gaussian Blur
by Theamazingbender October 19, 2006
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When two people are chemically compromised, meet up, have crazy relations, and cannot remember certain things...
They met in a bar, talked, went to his hotel and had an Erotic Blur. Neither of them can remember details.
by Mamahipster November 1, 2011
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The out of focus blurry areas in a photo, usually referred to as bokeh. Depending on the camera and lens, the blurriness may either be a visually pleasing eyegasm or just a gruesome and brutal rape of your eyes.
Sweet, the bokeh on this photo is so creamy! I wish the lens blur on my camera was this awesome, but the aperture on this cheapo lens only goes up to f4.5 :(
by Photodeus July 16, 2009
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As you receive oral sex you spit in one of the ladies eye and cum in the other leaving her visually impaired
Mate i just gave your nan the blurred vision
by Jaanaspy October 10, 2015
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Every naked person on basic cable seems to suffer from this mysterious disease that blurs the genital areas. If we work together we could find a cure for blur-itis by the year 2012.
All of the women who get breast implants on Doctor 90210 seem to contract blur-itis shortly before and after their operations.
by marlasinger January 31, 2007
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when your eyes water so you can not see becuse you drank pop or alcahol
jimmy:here drink this gibsons
kevin:aight -takes a sip-
jimmy:good stuff hay
kevin:my eyes are watering
jimmy:thats called eye blur
by Kevin T Frigon July 3, 2010
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