Girl: baby, im hungry, what do we have to eat?
Guy: i got some sausage and meatballs alfredo, its delicious and full of protein
by 1p2o3i4u August 23, 2011
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One of the many things guys can do with each other when they're all secretly gay, but too pussy and insecure to admit it.

Three guys gather 'round a girl and simultaneously cum onto her hair.

Three guys, all naked, jacking off together. If that isn't latently homosexual, I don't know what is. The girl doesn't change that, and is obviously a front. Take her away, and you're presented with exactly what they all wish it was.
Guy 1: I was in a three cheese alfredo yesterday. It was so hot.

Guy 2: Especially when you got some splatter on yourself, right?

Guy 3: ... Hey!
by kjsdfvlksd July 3, 2010
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1. A delicacy used to marinate rocky mountain oysters.
2. A sauce that accompanies daggeration.
3. The dressing specifically designed for tossing ones salad with.
4. A variant of the popular Italian sauce made from dairy products that originated in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States. Unlike the others, this is a vegetarian dish and is safe to eat.
Ex I:
Customer: This sausage is bland and dry.
Waiter: Might I suggest a mouthload of Rock Mountain Alfredo to spice things up?

Ex II:
(After failing midterm):
Damn, I just got served a steaming platter of Pene (not penne) topped with Rocky Mountain Alfredo and ate the whole thing. I hope the final isn't that hard. No pun intended.

I love penis.
...and Rocky Mountain Alfredo.
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When I man, lets say over 40, takes his dick, infected with crabs(disease), and shoves it into a boiling bowl of Alfredo Sauce. Then When he screems in pain hes jumps up and down and sticks his dick into a woman's vagina, cooling it down.
Old Dude: "OW OW OW why would I do that!"
Old Dude: "I stick it in the hooker!"

Hooker: "What The FUCK!"

by MR. NOT NORMAL January 27, 2011
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A man who is extremely hipster.He used to be skinny but now he has gained a few pounds.

He will always deny to be a hipster, but its on his blood. He wears small glasses, but in his heart he wishes they were as big as his hipster personality.
-Oh, i've never heard this song..have you?
-No...this must be a Jose Alfredo Chirinos type of song. Its too hipster.
by psrg January 23, 2014
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the most awesome food ever, i heart italion food and it is by far the best
"chicken alfredo is rawww as hell folk"
generically made with parmeson chicken linguini and chicken
by jacob the jewler August 3, 2008
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A person of italian decent who acts like a complete faggot. Also used to describe anyone who just acts like an italian faggot.
The G.F.A: "That's a really funny looking calculator you have in class. I think you shouldn't have that out"

Person 2: "Shut the fuck up you gay faggocinne alfredo"
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