To be “all yolk” is to be out of the loop, or backwards even.

As we know, historically eggs have egg whites and a yolk. If you’re “all yolk” you’re missing some of the essential cultural or most recent generational knowledge or trends.

Often used as the opposite of “woke”, the term infers that you are not “in the know” or “of the times.”
“Mom use ‘slay’ in a sentence”

“They rode home in a slay?”

“Oh my god mom you’re all yolk
by dead monarch society January 26, 2023
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Having sex with a woman who is menstruating. The 'Yolk' is a reference to the female ovum.
Dude 1: Man, I wanted to bang that chick last night, but she was on the rag.

Dude 2: Lame. Why didn't you just poke the yolk?
by radius July 26, 2008
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When a person in a sport, usually golf, makes a bad shot that they personally think is awesome. Others around them, or sometimes even the one who made the shot, are to yell, "Yolk stick!" In most cases it is said in a goofy tone and the "o" in yolk is held, along with the "i" in stick so it is pronounced, "Yooolk stiiiiiiick!"
Golfer one: "I'm gonna drive this to the green!" *Hits ball with a nasty right hook and still goes far*

Golfer two: "Yooolk stiiiiiiick!"

Golfer one: "Ya right, that is a yolk stick."
by Golfer Jay April 30, 2011
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When a man breaks an egg open on his penis and uses the egg yolk as a masturbatory lubricant, which is meant to resemble the fashion in which amish people churn butter.
I just ran out of lotion yesterday, so today I had to perform an amish egg yolk on myself.
by analbutt69 February 23, 2012
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When you pull a minor prank on your friend or say something stupid to them.
"What did you do last night?"
"Your mom"
"Wait really??"
"I'm just yolking your egg!!"
"Ha ha ha funny!"
by BigBoy3689 August 30, 2023
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When eating a fried egg sandwich naked, the yolk drips down and lands on your penis.
Remember when Xander's mom made egg sandwiches? You were yolking your weenie all night long.
by pipewrench January 14, 2014
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Yolk doze bunz : :to egg ones bread in preparation for the process of creating french toast, the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.
"yo guy! yolk doze bunz fur mah french toast!"
by Jessica and Alastair. January 11, 2006
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