diarrhea, Loose bowels, "When you piss out your asshole"
1. Andy had a bad case of jilly Jabbers and lost 15 lbs.

2. When you have Jilly jabbers be careful you don’t shart.
by jimbo c April 11, 2007
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Normally associated with people named James (added bonus if their surnames represent 'A sex workers Syrup')

A man who talks about any subject mostly fishing but continues like a hyperactive squirrel...
"James is off again with his Seaman's Jabber, the f**King crazy squirrel"
by MMCBuddha666 March 30, 2023
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A jobby jabber is a big chonky lesbo 🤓
"Yer a pure jobby jabber mate "

"Naw am no but specky becky is"
by yeetusmyfeetus10472 September 7, 2020
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The most annoying cartoon character ever made in the history of human existance. A talking shark/drummer.
Jabber Jaw is a mother fucking queer bait.
by lao March 29, 2005
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When a person places their two hands together and sneaks up behind someone, squats down and jabs their tip of their fingers up their anus through pants or whatever their wearing, causing the victim to have a saw anus.
Suspect: sneaks behind victim.
Victim: standing, talking.
Suspect: squats down and puts hands together.
Suspect: aims hands and jabs fingers up but
Victim: ahh, my ass(anus) is soo sore.
Suspect: Hahahahah
Victim: Fucking, poo jabber!
by adam096 December 22, 2009
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