A time for people to be assholes and get away with it
April Fools!
by MeMahDude April 1, 2017
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A phrase used by one Gandalf the Grey, the famous, kindly wizard from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. It is used during the Mines of Moria scene in the first in the trilogy, the Fellowship of the Ring. Gandalf says it to Peregrin "Pippin" Took, to display his anger and fustration directing at him for knocking a skeleton down a well, alerting the orcs of their whereabouts and putting the entire fellowship in danger once again.
Throw yourself in next time, and rid us of your stupidity!!"

-Gandalf the Grey
by JuliaMarie August 15, 2007
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A poor strategy, an unwise move, or a dangerous maneuver.
Sharon told Dave she was on birth control, so that he wouldn't use a condom. Dave decided not to pull out and now Sharon is pregnant. It was a fool's gambit.
by bostoncasey December 17, 2016
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An incompetent fool is someone who is incapable of completing the most simplest of tasks.
This man can't even turn on the hose. What an incompetent fool.
by Space Boy Mcoi November 8, 2015
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"I pity the fool, thug or soul that tries to take over the world, then goes home cryin' to his mama" - Mr T
by Gumba Gumba February 22, 2004
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allowing feelings of love to override common sense
Was I being a romantic fool when I offered her an extra fifty if she could convince me that she wasn't doing it just for the money?
by yorrick hunt January 22, 2008
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When eating a slutty woman's pussy, mistaking a left over cream pie as her Grool.
I think my wife is cheating on me, her pussy tasted odd last night. I think it was fools grool and I'm disgusted.
by Shady Swimmer December 12, 2017
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