1) The chant of the infamous "Sled Gang", this phrase is frequently used before severely injuring oneself, and ultimately ending up as an unforgettable meme that will forever float around the internet.

2) A phrase used by autistic teenage gypsy's who have given up on life and come to terms with the fact that they will never amount to anything. A clear indicator of a degenerative Disease
1) Dan the Meme Man: "Hey it's Dan the Meme Man. You know, you only live once, so Eat Ass, Smoke Grass and Sled Fast.
Mall Security: " If you go down this escalator, I will call the police on you"
Dan the Meme Man: *Sleds down the escalator anyway, not giving a single fuck*
Fellow Sled Gang Member: "Dan go run!!! Sled Gang! Sled Gang! Sled Gang!"

2) John: "Hey Michael, I heard you were the only one in our grade who didn't get into college. I'm sorry bro."
Michael: "It's alright bruh, I'm just gonna Eat Ass, Smoke Grass and Sled Fast."
John: "Oh no, it's retarded."
by Tangi Boi December 5, 2017
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coined by celebrity dan the meme man. the phrase of the infamous and genius "sled gang," as seen in a meme on youtube
you know, you only live once, so eat ass, smoke grass, and sled fast.
by aardvarks are legend November 24, 2018
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A term often used by skateboarders to assert dominance.

This means you are dedicated to the game.

This term will get you even more mad pussy.
Joe: 'Yo I can't skate today I have school till' five.'
Bram: 'No bro, you gotta skate fast, eat ass, smoke grass, skip class.'
by Bramdeman!! December 10, 2019
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to fuck up in a major way!! and be real sad about it afterward

consists of overthinking, crying, and lots of self-pity/ hatred
UGH fuck dude, I accidentally messed up my hookup. I'm seriously eating ass in the bag.

My boyfriend broke up with me last fall because I kissed another boy at a party. I was really eating ass in the bag back then.
by secisfun January 27, 2021
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"Eat Ass Class" a class where you learn how give oral sex to the asshole of an doll, partner, ect

(btw there is no such thing as a free lunch... sorry)
"yo did you go to eat ass class today?"
"no I got lunch already"
by mr.thicc February 14, 2018
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When it's April you have to fuck/eat the ass of your gf.
Person 1: Fuck my pussy
Person 2: No it's gotta be the ass.
Person 1: Y
Person 2: bc it's eat ass April
by MeminDemon November 8, 2019
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I don't but that's not the point...

Hym "So... This is old news now but I have a broad point I want to make and it will apply to a multitude of situations now and in to future. So, there's this video going around (PRAISE THE ALGORITHM! PRAISE ALGORITHM JESUS!) and it consists of this guy getting pulled over (in Florida) for having a bumper sticker that says 'I eat ass.' The officer proceeds to tell the man that he has issued the driver a court date, tells him to take it off, and says that it's because of his kids! He say 'If my kids see that I have to explain to them what eating ass is' and, for one, (If you're not an unsophisticated and humorless drone) it's not all that difficult to hand-wave away (i.e. He's the buttman and if you don't eat your vegetables he's going to get you and eat your butt or something I don't know it's a child you can literally just tell them anything) and secondly if you can't EXPLAIN A COMPONENT OF REALITY to the thing that YOU PERSONALLY (Either intentionally or accidentally) SUBJECTED TO REALITY you shouldn't have kids in the first place!
You did that! You subjected more sentient (not in comparison to me but you know what I mean) life to the creature and now you're trying to sneak yourself some unearned extra-judicial authority. And the drivers response was 'I'm not going to let you infringe upon my 1st amendment rights' (Which is the correct response). Seriously. This faggot cop fucking a baby into his slut wife now REQUIRES everyone else to live in accordance with his delicate sensibilities! Regardless of the rights the driver is supposed to have. Doesn't he know? The parents are the MORE EQUAL ones in the communist dictatorship we inhabit! They are going to continue to use their kids as a cudgel to compel behavioral compliance. 'BuT mY kIdS mIgHt sEe YoU eXiStInG WrOnG aNd ThEy MiGhT sTaRt ExIsTiNg WrOnG! I mIgHt HaVe To ExPlAiN tHe MaDnEsS i'Ve SuBjEcTeD tHeM tO!' Get the fuck out of here!" 'I eat ass'
by Hym Iam June 22, 2023
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