a piece of graffiti I saw on a school trip
me: hey George
George: um skeng bleh
by um skeng bleh February 27, 2018
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Sarah: "Ooo! Look New Moon is out!"
Adam: "Blehh."
Sarah: "You just blehhed me didn't you?"
by Adam Blagaburt June 24, 2011
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Whenever anyone says this too you consider yourself lucky. He wants to fuck you real bad
by lilsoapdispenser December 7, 2020
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a word you say when you've been proved wrong and your sorta embarrased but you act like you just dont care.
Her: That's his car!
You: No its not!
HER:Yes it is cause its got his name on it!
-you look-
YOU: oh bleh bubblegum!
by funny09@hotmail.co.uk April 4, 2011
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"Hey go get my stuff over there you idiot"
"Meh bleh"
by Some random person named domo December 11, 2016
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Is a word created by Jhadaiya that is used when one is too tired to respond and feel like acting like a prepubescent child or to mimic someone in a childish manner. This word can only be used by those Jhadaiya allows. It is copyrighted and trademarked.
Person 1: Person 2 go do your homework 🙄
Person 2: Bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh 🙄
by Corbeanislife April 20, 2022
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