1. The quality of being a pirate.
2. The quality of being, perhaps, the Dread Pirate Roberts.
Dude, you completely stole the last Coke! ...And you're a cunning, brilliant, villain of a guy. You piratous bastard!
by kcabsnreg May 8, 2006
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someone who pirate things from a pirate.
I just got a large collection of music, FUCK that Pirate of a Pirate stole my music files that I was going to upload @ the pirate bay, now that fucker gets all liked because he uploaded my music under his name.
by Juggalo-Rex April 27, 2009
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To walk around aimlessly drunk exploring your current surroundings to get a better understanding of where everything is and how everything fits together in the world that we live in.
I went pirating last night, climbed up a few ladders, walked along the roof, took a photo, climbed onto this other building and hopped down a hatch and i was crawling through the roofspace..
by MadReptillian August 21, 2011
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pirates were thought to be people who stole from other people, and left a trail of death in their wake, but not many people know that, while they DID do most of that, their main purpose was to travel around the world giving candy to small children. the killing and stealing was just to get money for the candy. and for rum.
pirates also wore really sweet clothes, and it didn't really matter if they lost a leg... they still wore a peg-leg. they still do, actually.
rupert: dude my great granddad hated pirates!!!! he was awesome!
pirate: DIE YOU FIEND!!!!.... oooh... $50!!!! sweet! more money for rum and candy!
by sai-sai May 20, 2008
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Back in the day, pirates were deadbeats, missing limbs, and yelling "ARRRR". They would go pillaging and raiding, and stealing everything they could find, on their 1700s boats.

Today, pirates are teenagers who host and seed downloads for P2P clients and Torrent servers, sharing software, music, and video.
^^^^^^^ Heaven for Pirates
by gplpark92 September 17, 2006
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1.Can describe the pillaging robbers that used to roam the seas in the 17th century

2.or an abbreviation of the blockbuster movie trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean.

3.Also the name of a NFL football team...I think.
1. Those greedy pirates stole my booty! Arrgh!

2. Pirates of the Caribbean was so cool! I can't wait for the third one!

3. Umm...I think the Pirates are beating the Giants...I think...
by TheCool May 4, 2007
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When something is done really manly and shweet, or looks as though it is fit for the use of either a pirate or pir4te. Predominantly used in a complimentary fashion, though can be used insultingly if affiliated with a sexual reference.
Dude, he z0red them all up like super pirately!
by RoboSpy March 24, 2004
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