A friend who has no sleep schedule yet loves sleep, collects everything they find on the ground and probably has horrific mental health.
*pile of blankets moves*
Don’t mind that its just the gremlin friend. Throw them some pocky and they will not fight you.
by Leduckyboi January 25, 2021
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An ugly green monster wearing a tattered red shirt who hides in your videogames. He can get in your disks, cartridges, games systems, and (if you break any of them) possibly your house. The gremlin is afraid to be outside of the video game world so chances of him glitching your home are very slim. If the gremlin gets in your game before you start playing it he will send a storm of glitches to fuck you up. There is no cure for the glitch gremlin, so you better be lucky.
*Guy starts super mario brothers*
Guy: Fuck! All the text is fucked up!
Glitch gremlin: ZrrtttZrttghttt
Guy: Now it's making wierd sound- oop. It froze. I hate the glitch gremlin!
by AnalPenetrationByForce October 27, 2011
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When commiting the carnal act of Anal Sex with someone, you finish inside them and once completed you slide your fingers inside the recently abused area and scoop out the mixture of semen, lube and excrement and draw a line down their back. This will give them a streak that looks similar to the streak on the head of the Gremlin Spike.
I finished punishing her anus then I gave her a Gremlin Streak
by qua3kers December 30, 2010
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A whore who roams the office under desks providing oral pleasure to coworkers to boost company moral
Worker 1 "Why is Paul so happy this morning?"
Worker 2 "The desk gremlin must have paid him a visit"
by Nathan Lepoudre January 25, 2018
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Someone who feels betrayed or disrespected and turns that negativity into power
Started by Kodak Black and followed by Antonio Brown
Antonio was disregarded as a buccaneers so he turned into a super gremlin and left the team!
by Jackdev January 3, 2022
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Someone who you and eventually many of your friends added to facebook because of association or suggestion by facebook, acts like a Gremlin, when water is added.... they continue to randomly post comments on your posts even though you never speak to or post comments on their posts. You don't really care about or like the person, but they continue to post the most obscure or random comments on people's posts or pages although no one acknowledges or responds
Damn, can you believe that Facebook Gremlin Shane just posted on like 6 different people's pages again! Does anyone even know that dude? He pops up all the time and even after I deleted him, he still finds a way to pop up on everybody's posts!
by Goldie 6178 September 5, 2009
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A sesh gremlin is a mysterious creature from the sesh . They usually are found in forests, at the 24 hour garage looking for cheap beer , at about 6:30am on a Monday.

The sesh gremlin is a true master of the sesh and knows every trick to always make a Rollie out of thin air when everybody is passing out from train wrecks of comedowns. A sesh gremlin is a hardcore sesh head that rarely sleeps, and is a saviour in the rave community.
"Bris-Tek was fucking insane! So many cool heads and sesh gremlin 'sman hahahahaha..."
by Ravingmuppet February 6, 2018
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