After sexual intercourse, you realize it was so good that you can no longer feel your penis
"Bro, we smashed so hard last night she basically fucked my dick off"
by Rogaaas August 13, 2015
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A mother fucking ass dick is someone who is a man who has an ass and a dick and fucks mothers.
Paul: "Hey Jim look at that father over there".
Jim: " What a mother fucking ass dick".
by 47 chromosomes March 19, 2021
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A lame or someone is your way. A pain in the ass.
by Freway November 18, 2020
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An individual who causes frustration to such an extent where they are a pain in the dick.

A person who nauseates you into wanting to cause road rage or scream out your window.

Someone who gets on your last nerve.
My son/daughter is such a dick fuck.
God, your such a dick fuck.
Slow the hell down you dick fuck.
by FJKOOOG December 23, 2021
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Shoving something up the urethra in a sexual way.

Can also be used as an adjective to describe mostly a personality
Would you like to dick fuck me?
Wow that guy is such a dick fuck
by kikkpikk420 November 12, 2018
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When all you do is stare at a computer screen for 16 hours a day, and then sleep for 8, rinse-repeat, and then think this justifies your human value, but in actuality, just makes you an anti-social fuck boy, who is most likely an incel and hangs out in dirty chat groups online talking about /b/ tard bull shit with your fake friends from ukraine.
Hey Chris, stop showing us your 3d rendered website that you made with just <div>'s, no one gives a fuck, go get a girlfriend you digital dick-fuck.
by DJ CHAD April 10, 2019
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