the act of blowing your nose, picking boogers, or sniffing really hard before snorting some intoxicating substance
I need to clean the casino because I'm having a party there later.
by baylor_mate January 16, 2008
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Kicking two bitches in the face simialtaniouslly!
Did you just see that Casino Night? Neither one of those skunks made it into Forever 21 safe!
by Darious88 May 22, 2014
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An internet cafe,a place where really low class individuals gamble for low stakes and internet time.
Man,i got comped a bag of fritos the other night at the crack head casino.
by Frank Funkenfeld October 31, 2013
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Refers to the "big" sexually transmitted infections (i.e. syphilis, hepatitis).
I was going to bed the twist, but she had big casino
by anonymous December 10, 2004
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A small casino located near Prior Lake, Minnesota where 99% of patrons are chain-smoking button whackers. Despite the casino's small size, many of the socially backwards patrons see fit to occupy two machines at once. Little Six patrons are afraid of sunlight and human interaction. As long as they can chain smoke and stare listlessly into their "lucky" machine, they will not harm anyone. The only harm is from them whacking the buttons on the machine when it does not continually pay out large sums of cash.
Amy: Hey let's go to a casino. How about Little Six Casino?

Ryan: But it's like the twilight zone in there! Their patrons are all afraid of the sunlight and live in halfway houses.

Amy: But their slots are looser!

Ryan: Ok, I guess that's worth lung cancer. I'll drive.
by YuckySpot April 1, 2013
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