The act of physically placing the entire cast of Jersey Shore in a triangular formation, just like bowling pins, at the entrance or exit ramp to any major freeway to buffer the damages from any potential accident. (It is recommended to have plenty of taffy and hair cair products to keep their interest while they are in said formation)
Hey Tommy I just set up another Jersey Shore barrier by the Lincoln Tunnel.Those kids are dumb as tree trunks. God willing someone's been drinking way too much to drive and swerves left and puts us all out of our misery. Plus, I threw a couple spike stips out there to kind of help our odds.!
by DemmyMack413 January 29, 2011
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The sidewalk snail barrier is when a group of 3 or more people are walking extra slow down a busy city sidewalk, spaced out with no room in between. This makes it nearly impossible for someone who walks at a normal pace to pass said group.
"Sorry I was late to work, boss. I was walking as fast as I could, but I ran into a sidewalk snail barrier."
by Punchy McAssface Jr. May 9, 2010
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The toilet stall between two occupied stalls in a men's public restroom, that according to etiquette, shall remain empty during the time for which the aforementioned adjacent stalls are in use; that also provides a "safety shield" against unwanted physical contact and aroma.
Public Restroom Patron #1; {sitting in stall "A"}
Public Restroom Patron #2; {proceeds to enter stall "B"}
PRP#1; "Whoa there, Senator! Mind the Vapor Barrier!"
by Felix1234 November 29, 2007
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Wall of pillows between two men to protect them from being called gay
We better set up a Lesbian protection barrier because were not gay
by Jesse Allan ;) February 15, 2022
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Someone, originally from New Zealand or Australia, who is very fond of smoking marijuana. (aka, "smoke fi di ganja, maan!)
Surfer Dude #1: Ey might, wonder what's got Steve so spaced out!
Surfer Dude #2: He was hittin' the bong again: That feller is a regular Great Barrier reefer!
Surfer Dude # 1: 'struth, blimey!
by Axellent December 31, 2013
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an escape of vaginal air that breaks barriers, especially great ones. particularly located in australia.
Oh yeah? Well we have the Great Barrier Queef!
by midnightinfomercials September 6, 2010
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