Similar to The Cleveland Steamer, except you defacate bloody fecal matter onto your lover's chest and rock back and forth in it as fast at possible, impersonating the speed of a DC Metro train.
Daniel (looking in the mirror at red marks on his chest): Where did these red dots come from? (He thinks briefly then remembers). Oh. DUH! My ex gave me a DC Red Line Steamer.
by Big shot 91 June 13, 2021
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Do a no. 2 on a place you shouldn't do in (used especially for animals)
The dog has just done a Boston Steamer again
by Pseudonym____________ January 12, 2023
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Noun: An individual who routinely takes the most dubious and visceral shits.
“He clogged two toilets in only a week, that guys is a certified Tahoe Steamer.”
by Jewish bob the builder July 24, 2023
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When someone takes a shit on an Indian’s face.
Josh gave Rushi an Indian steamer for his birthday.
by Imhilarious12 November 18, 2018
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1.When Dave preforms a cleveland steamer on aloma
2.When Dave drops a aloma on aloma

3. When Dave drops an Aloma on CJ
I Preformed a Mckay steamer-
by Mckay Steamer September 30, 2021
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taking a shit on your hand and chucking it at someone’s car
carson got clayton steamer’s by janelle last night after the fire
by jake15mcg September 23, 2023
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When 2 guys DP a trash barrel whore and after pulling out scat on her chest.
Laura wanted it so bad after that non-profit event that Frank and Mike gave her a Grover Cleveland Steamer she'll never forget.
by soyparty August 30, 2014
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