sweet amazing adorable girl. nicest person you will meet. love being with her.
boy 1:i wish i was an aloma

boy 2: yeah u have to be cool though

boy 1:aww i'll never be as cool as aloma
by unkown. xoxo February 23, 2010
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Aloma is an amazing person. She is very adventurous and will always have your back
Person 1: I love Aloma!
Person 2: Me too!

Person 3: Me three, but she's a bit obsessed with Niall Horan lol
by juschillingoutinmebox February 4, 2021
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The most nicest girl you will ever meet. She’s fun, different from the rest and will give you all her love and attention if she really cares about you. Most people know her for either her smile or laugh. If you have an Aloma in your life, please keep her safe and close.
Boy 1: See that girl over there?

Boy 2: oh yeah, her name must be Aloma. Look at her smile.
Boy1: That’s True.
by UnknownForces May 19, 2018
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Aloma/or Paloma translates to Dove/White dove of peace. Aloma is a very creative person, confident and sexy, boldly queer and a one-of-a-kind friend/lover who you’ll always want to have in your life. Very happy, yellow and vibrant with life.
Has aloma been here? Yeah she left some glitter and a yellow bunch of flowers in our bed room ;)
by Ajeannine69 January 31, 2020
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A sweetheart with a big ass. Aloma is a very loyal friend and cries often. Everyone should strive to be like Aloma. If you see this marry Aloma.
"Aloma's ass is so fat and she's so nice; I'm in love."
by UnknownForces January 17, 2022
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