literally the most annoying person you have ever met.
Guy: omg shes so annoying
Girl: yea shes a jayden mcdowell for sure
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Dread headed, godzilla loving, pomegranate eating, halo playing boy. Buy him buldak ramen and he’ll love you but will consequently be shitting his guts out 6 hours later. Very kind and patient. 100000/10
by mochikochkin November 24, 2021
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A person that says "equation" in a weird accent and says "I did 40 laps, love me." always to Isabel
Me: I did 40 laps, LoVe Me
Friend: Are you Jayden Choe??????
by *rebuilds dick* May 28, 2019
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Jayden has the best Jordan collection as well as his 16 inch penis that inserts many woman
his charming good look mix with his sexy personality and can clap your cheeks in fortnite
girl 1: how many girls did Jayden wilding fuk last night
girl 2: about 700 of them
by ardi katarna June 2, 2021
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shy lovers. they will never confess..
marilyn and jayden wont confess when they both like each other.
by isabish November 3, 2022
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Adopted lowlife, commiting life to love with their keyboard over friends and/or family
Adam: Hey dom come outside

Dom: no im shagging holly
Adam: Dont be such a Jayden wheeler
by Commander_Queef June 5, 2023
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This type of Rizz is where you can sexually seduce anyone without even trying. All it takes is 1 look from a Jayden and your seduced there is now no going back. your forcefully give the Jayden all your money and assets you own and vow to never leave his side. You get penetrated in the ass every night and feen for more everyday.
Person 1: Omg did u know susie got rizzed by a jayden?!!?!
Person 2: Omg yeah I Heard about that she got the Jayden Rizz
by John Wock May 18, 2023
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