When somethings so good it makes you want to jizz but so bad that it makes you want to vomit (vom) at the same time
by JizzVom April 20, 2010
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To eject the contents of ones stomach through their mouth into anything other than a toilet. Frat boys may know as a sign that they are sure to get some tonight.
"...and as soon as she put it in her mouth she Vom-Bomed inside my pants. No, but realy guys... what a rocking body; that was a night i will never forget."
by stale fingers October 18, 2006
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An exaggeration on the word “vom” (slang for vomit), normally a retort to something that makes you feel like vomiting a bucket's worth - figuratively of course.
Karin: "Look, over there! That building is the Korean Couples Cinema, only couples can see films there."

Jei: "Oh my word, pass me the vom bucket!"

by Jeninja-inja November 30, 2006
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It is used when you think something is really funny or not useful or redicolous.
this pic was really vom Feinsten.
by Gaara March 1, 2005
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A small hurl of puke, often done purposefully to make the person feel more refreshed after taking lots of drugs, or perhaps alcohol.

A friend: "Mate. whats wrong? You look ill."
Kethead: "Mwer, need, a, er, mini-vom."
And he throws up...
by Monogram August 13, 2007
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When something is so disgusting, it not only requires a single vommit, it requires a whole vommitting session.
Oliver Jonas Queen: "I'm going to put maple syrup on my eggs"

Perry Mason: "Eggs touching maple syrup? Vom-o-rama"
by Apron Boobs Face July 6, 2010
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