Sublime is a great band from Long Beach, California..That are a reggae-ska-punkish feel they are great in my opinion but i hate when people hate of them callign them pop-rock
Sublime ownz, who cares if they are on the radio? i actully think people who think bands should stay indie all the time should fuck off..i sometimes wish Goldfinger and all werw Mainstream so i could listen to them on the radio..but i gotta put in a CD cuz of fags like you all who think going mainstream is selling out
by Bob January 31, 2005
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A band from Long Beach California that combined many different genres of music including:

-Hip Hop

Their lead singer Brad Nowell died of a heroin overdose in 1996, and the band no longer exists.
I was listening to some Sublime last night, and man was I fuckin' FRIED.
by Charmane May 2, 2007
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Hands down the best band I've ever heard.
Extremely talented group of musicians led by (deceased) Brad Nowell.
My favorite sublime songs:
40 oz. to Freedom, Gretest Hits, Doin' TIme, Garden Grove, Smoke 2 Joints, Badfish, Get Out, Dont Push, 5446/Ball and Chain, DJs, Steppin Razor, Saw Red, Cisco Kid, S.T.P, Boss D.J., Freeway Time in LA COunty Jail, Pool Shark, April 29, 1992, What I Got, Wrong Way, Santeria, Jailhouse, Caress Me Down, Get Ready, Romeo, Ebin, Rivers of Babylon, KRS-One
"Just let the lovin' take ahold"
by Sublime December 18, 2004
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A band with a large pop-culture following and a strong cult-following. Usually associated with stoners and the laid back.
Person 1: Wanna go get high?
Person 2: Sure...let's put some Sublime in, then.
by DBNP May 27, 2003
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(adj) to be outstanding; very good
synonyms: awesome, incredible, great

(n) a unique band from Long Beach, California which blends elements of reggae, ska, punk and hip-hop, releasing various cd's, but with only 3 mainstream cd's, the most popular being the self-titled 1996 album Sublime, which, unfortunately, the leadsinger, Brad Nowell, died before it made a great amount of money. Obviously, they were correct in naming themselves "Sublime"for their talent and ability to stand out, but took lyrics of previous bands, intentionally to show their audience what they clearly liked and were influenced by.
Sublime is a great band.

The sublime view of the sunset is beatiful.
by Jenetic October 3, 2008
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The greatest band that ever played. RIP Bradley
Sublime has sold over 17,000,000 albums worldwide.
by Chris Sidote July 11, 2008
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The best band ever. Not only does everybody in the known world love them, but God himself is known to rock out to Brad Nowell's amazing talent.

Some kids are so jealous, that they wear Sublime shirts when they only know three Sublime songs. Which is annoying, so stop please :
Fran: Wow, Brad Nowell is so talented. Sublime is awesome.

Ed: He is, he is.
by Ivana Yamama February 7, 2009
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