Standard Cunts come in all shapes and sizes. Every one is a little bit different but they’re still just cunt

Then there are Right Cunts, bigger cunts than a standard cunt but still have moments of human kindness.

Next up is a Proper Cunt, generally they are cunts all day every day

The biggest cunt of all however is a Mega Cunt. Mega Cunts just cunt about all day long being cunts, recruiting cunts, and cunting off cunts.

Then there is the Wigs Wiggins. So much of a cunt that he is too cuntish to even use the word cunt in his name.

Earliest Known Use:

When the meteor struck decimating all
Living things and wiping out the dinosaurs. It was noted in Professor Popes journal the the meteor was often referred to as simply ‘Wigs’
Drove my mate from Southampton to Aberdeen last week to pick up a car and he didn’t even offer petrol money, mugged me off with the lunch bill and fucked my Mrs when he got home before me, what a fucking Wigs Wiggins he is.
by Jay Smashdot May 23, 2021
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Freaking out on someone in a motherly way.
"The driver next to me was texting while she was driving and I rolled down my window and totally started mother wiggin' on her."
by nobodydoesitlike October 26, 2012
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When you are wigging out (especially in the dead of night) and you listen to every... single... little... sound...
I spent hours thinking I heard cockroaches talking to each other, turns out I was just ear wigging! Lol
by MissWigginsPloomington March 9, 2016
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A over dramatic type of person and can not be reasoned with
Being defined as a human of sub worth - friend of hunter wiggins
by Wow squared September 30, 2022
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When you or your mates have dropped acid or any psychedelic drug and start tripping out and have no other words to explain how high you are.
John - "This acid has hit me hard bro, I'm wiggin dicks!"
Tim - "Oh shit yeah bro, i am too"
by Gus Idz September 5, 2018
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