Vegetating in front of the TV all day with a modern gadget like an iPad.
I haven't seen Frank ever since he got that new tablet, he's turned into a a real veg 2.0.
by The True Chinman August 6, 2011
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another way to say it's gonna be a quiet evening, you're going home (or to a friend's place) to relax, eat tastey good food and bing-watch movies/videos/shows online.
I'm so exhausted, I can't wait to go home and Hula & Veg tonight!!
We're pals who like to Hula & Veg on Friday nights, where Hula & Veg is the non-sexual (old-school) version of netflix and chill
by VeeSolaire October 19, 2016
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When vegans start preaching their dietary choice to non vegans
You are inferia to me because you eat meat and dairy! Veg heil! Veg heil!
by Dreadcore23 April 21, 2018
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The onset of farts due to eating a large quantity of vegetables
"Oh no, I've got veg air!"

After eating a roast dinner-"I'm going to have veg air later"
by Bacon Coke Word May 30, 2013
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When you, as a woman get the chance to be unhindered by the societal norms and constricting nature of pants (as well as braziers) and finally get the opportunity to unwind and "treat yoself" and "do you boo", allowing yourself to engage in a little "self-care".
It's been a rough week Deb, I think I'll go home, open a bottle of wine, turn on Gilmore Girls and "veg out with my hedge out."
by Jeffy Tranks October 3, 2020
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When you use a vegetable to fuck someone in the ass. A contraction of "vegetable" and "pegging".
These vegan guys are kinky - one tried vegging me with a cucumber last night.

My girlfriend wants to try vegging me, but I heard Ed got a nasty infection from doing that with a carrot.
by CelerySodomy April 23, 2018
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Someone who is interested or curious about eating vegan foods and the vegan lifestyle
"Larry asked me how to cook tofu. I think he is veg-curious"
by WhimsyVee November 21, 2018
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