when you are about to blow your load, take it out and shoot it in one of the girl's eyes. when she gets up to go rinse out her eye, kick her in the shin so she hobbles like a dirty blind pirate
dag yo, the bitch was hobblin around after a gave her the pirate
by preston sims September 30, 2005
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when you blow a load in a chicks eye, then kick her in the shin. she then hops around on one leg with one eye open yelling aaarrrrrrgh!
that bitch is the pirate
by wopski March 19, 2008
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A hot girl/woman that is refered to have lots of booty and a treasure chest. (has a nice ass and boobs).
1. Fuck man! That girl I hooked up with last night was a pirate!

by BUFFALO MOON October 27, 2007
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When one is trying to inhale the smoke from a bong/water pipe, but they pull so hard the water smacks their mouth. Like a pirate.
Person A: damn the pull from that is weak.
Person B: yeah, dis shit got me pirating.
by ArcaneSaga March 3, 2017
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A person who loves to go in search of bums he can steal of another gay man.
Also used to describe someone who has offended or annoyed you.
The term was invented by a bus load of 14, 15 and 16 year olds on a ski trip to france.
that hurt you fucking but pirate, go felch some bum.
by Martin Perkins February 8, 2005
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A word used to describe someone who is annoying, irritable, and acts immature for their age.
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to download illegaly, usually music or movies
john: i downloaded the new 50 cent cd last nihgt for free
chris: um you know it's illegal to pirate music, right?
john: shhhh!
by kate w. October 17, 2005
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